Local bid to help Lincoln’s migrants
A local Parish Church has nominated Lincoln to become a ‘City of Sanctuary.’ The bid is being led by Reverend Liz Jackson who believes the status would help minority groups in our community.
‘City of Sanctuary’ aims to set up multiple organisations in cities across the UK to help support asylum seekers and migrant workers.
The scheme began in 2007 and has since given three cities its official title, and Lincoln are hoping to become the fourth.
Reverend Jackson is hopeful that Lincoln will be awarded the title or something of similarity.
“We want to focus on our migrant communities and give them the support there not receiving. Our church hall is currently home to 24 Polish workers who need us for somewhere warm to sleep.”She said.
If successful the St Mary – le – Wigford church on Lincoln’s high street will be awarded financial funding and guidance from the establishment.
Church leaders and the City Council, who are also involved with the proposal, will use the funding to buy a building to offer more support to migrants. There are also plans for a Holocaust memorial centre, to help enforce that prejudices and conflict between different cultures needs to be stopped.
“It’s not a healthy environment to be living in, it’s destructive and devastating. People who come here to work need more support than ever, but yet many of them seem to face discrimination on a high level.”
With the bid in process promoters of ‘City of Sanctuary’ anticipate that it will help fuse tension with different cultures in our society. The outcome is expected in late February, leaving the Parish Church praying in wait.